Описание курса

Этот курс предназначен для практикующих мастеров, способствует улучшению навыков работы визажистов. Обучение основано на методе поиска, а не на классических схемах. С помощью преподавателей-профессионалов вы сможете отточить навыки растушевки, владения инструментами художника-визажиста. По окончании обучения выдается авторский сертификат студии макияжа NY Studio.


Фотографии компании


Нажимая на кнопку, вы даёте согласие на обработку персональных данных и соглашаетесь с политикой обработки персональных данных.
liam weiss | 8 сентября 2022 | 9:50

Transforming your Mastercard awards into a venture ordinarily requires additional means. The Gemini Credit Card™ makes it a lot simpler. You'll acquire compensations on your buys that in a flash transform into cryptographic money.
Generally viewed as quite possibly of the most famous and effective monetary help stages today, BlockFi is a stage where individuals can purchase, sell, and procure digital money. With top-level security, a simple to-utilize application, a devoted client support group, and no base equilibrium expected to procure crypto premium, . Blockfi Credit Card| has rapidly turned into a #1 of both crypto fans and beginner financial backers the same.

Визажист-стилист (курс «арт»)
Jack Daniels | 7 сентября 2022 | 10:11

The above read has been equipped with exclusive data, which we think, is necessary for experiencing one of the most used cryptocurrency exchanges. Yes, we are talking about the Kraken Wallet accounts that have managed to acquire a huge user base with each perk it offers.

Know more about : Kraken AppBitstamp LoginBitstampBitcoin WalletBitcoin Wallet AppBTC Wallet

Steven Neesham | 7 сентября 2022 | 9:20

Thanks for giving such a wonderful information. To sum up, traders who are looking to set up their Trezor hardware wallet can follow the quick processes that are described above on this page. Make sure that your Trezor device is connected to your mobile or computer whenever you think to start accessing the wallet. In case you are getting any type of issues, you need to contact and discuss the matter with the Trezor customer support team. Now, we are sure that you have set up and accessed your Trezor Wallet with the help of this post.
For More About:- Trezor wallet$Trust wallet app$Trust wallet$Kucoin Wallet

liam weiss | 6 сентября 2022 | 19:02

Gemini, a crypto trade and caretaker, today declared that it will send off the Gemini Credit Card, a Visa with digital currency rewards.
Visa has reported its interest in Deserve, an organization that gives turnkey charge card administrations to the computerized world. Merit has seen critical accomplishment with the BlockFi Visa Mastercard Blockfi Credit Card|

Визажист-стилист (курс «арт»)
yvonna pmarketst | 6 сентября 2022 | 15:16

Coinbase - Buy and Sell Bitcoin, Ethereum, and more with trust The future of money is here Over 68 million people and businesses trust us to buy, sell, and manage crypto. exodus wallet | coinbase wallet